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Tuesday 3 July 2012

Paiting Sketches- Part 1...

The Phalaenopsis Orchid, also called Moth orchids - supposedly resembles moths in flight.
From the ancient Greek word for ‘testicle’ to the modern day representation of the vagina (the visual resemblance), orchids have a history linked between sex and nature.
In Ancient Greece the orchid flower also meant fertility and virility, love, sensuality, beauty and luxury. This beautiful flower has been related with fertility by many cultures in history.

Although the romantic feature of the flower is the most compelling. The most important one –at least according to me- is their scientific meaning. Orchids are a strong poof of nature capacity of reinventing herself in limitless fractions, all of them effective for survival, all of them beautiful; all of them exploding creativity.

The colours to be used in the painting will be primarily white and red. 
The petals will be white and the centre/ stamen will be red.
I am planning on withering the petals a bit and adding more blood droplets.

The symbolism in this piece is pretty obvious- it looks like a vagina!
The white orchid symbolises perfection, purity, innocence, humility and grace.
The withering of the petals symbolise my withered ability to be fertile. Thus throwing into chaos the idea of perfection, purity, etc. as my fertility is questionable.
The withering along with the blood symbolises pain and fragility. It also represents the amount of blood lost during menses.

The layers of the uterus depicting the endometrial tissue, cysts and adhesions shows the depth of my pain and what my uterus really looks like! This links in with the first painting as it also shows the story of my questionable fertility and the reality of if it could happen to a uterus damaged so.
It will be mainly reds, pink, black, brown, orange, with a little bit of yellow and white.

The sacral chakra governs fertility. This chakra, known as the sacral plexus, is found in the lower abdomen below the navel.
The sacral chakra is associated with the internal sex organs- ovaries and uterus in women, and the testes in men. As a part of the endocrine system, these produce the hormones testosterone or oestrogen, which are important factors in sexual behaviour.
This then influences sexuality, relationships, femininity, and pleasure.
It is the ‘Goddess chamber’ and houses the female command centre – the uterus.

The theory goes that when the chakras are out of balance, unhappiness and disease can be the result. A sense of well-being is believed to result from chakras that are flowing freely and in balance.
A problem in the sacral chakra is said to result in sexual dysfunction and physical ailments in men and women…
Women with this condition can experience low or extremely high sex drives, infertility, menstrual irregularities including clotting and pain, miscarriage, fibroid tumours, hormonal problems- such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts and cancers.
For both genders, low back pain, chronic disc degeneration and inflammation manifest when there is an imbalance in the sacral chakra.
Because the sacral chakra teaches a person to make their own reality, emotions such as love, hate and fear can be affected by its condition. At its ultimate potential, the sacral chakra enables a feeling of security in sexuality and relationships. Blame, guilt, morality, power and control are all influenced by the sacral chakra. Feelings such as anger, fear and joy are stored inside the sacral chakra.

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