A healthy food & lifestyle blog specifically catering for & dealing with the symptoms & conditions of : Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) & Intracranial Hypertension (IH).
Looking at healthy food & food alternatives- redesigning classic recipes & new recipes;
Dealing and living with chronic health conditions on a daily basis- & research about the conditions;
Alternative therapies & remedies, gardening, arts & crafts...
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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

What's been going on??? Why the break again?? PART II

Now onto another goings-on...

In June I was at one of my best friend’s engagement parties!
I am honoured to be the MoH and I did a slightly awkward and tipsy speech in her honour, hehe.
It was a great night to say the least; I had a lot of fun catching up with the lovely couple, their families and friends, making a few new ones in the process too.
It was held in her home town of Bulahdelah, which is roughly an hour north of Taree and an hour of Newcastle/ Maitland.
Being as a lot of people attending the couple hired a bus from Maitland and they plied us with alcohol whilst journeying too- jello shots, beer, cider and vodka cruisers... that's why I was a tad tipsy for the speech, lol.
Anyway there is a point here- I ended up having a spectacular night as the night wore on because I ended up dislocating my left knee on the D floor- yup if you’re going to do it, dancing is the best way!!
Because I had no pain killers and there was the bus trip back to think about, I gave all caution to the wind and decided to get smashed!!!  Great idea till the following day when it hurt like a B*%$H!
When we got home to the South Coast the following day I made Dr. appts and imagery appts.

It turns out that I dislocated Patellar, but that it thankfully went back in on its own- but it was misaligned, that I had severely stretched out the ligaments and tendons, and that I had burst a couple bursae- fluid in the knee.
I was told to keep off it as much as possible for the first few weeks; wear a brace; elevate it; ice it; get some physical therapy; and with time slowly stretch it out, strengthen and exercise it.
I had been receiving fortnightly Craniosacral Therapy, for my head and overall body. So decided to increase it to weekly sessions- this has been very helpful, I can straighten my leg a hell lot more now than what I was able to 13 weeks ago.
I still wear my brace when I am out of the house, gardening, or standing for an extended period of time (cooking), or when it hurts.

But overall things have improved significantly.
I have been told to be careful, as once you dislocate your patellar, and have hyper-mobility of the ligaments, it is easy to do it again or damage the knee.
For me this is already a problem as I already had issues with this knee…

 I bruised the bone a few years ago coming of a mountain bike- was a spectacular fall, even though I was in pain at the time I laughed my arse off because it would have looked hilarious!!

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