A healthy food & lifestyle blog specifically catering for & dealing with the symptoms & conditions of : Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) & Intracranial Hypertension (IH).
Looking at healthy food & food alternatives- redesigning classic recipes & new recipes;
Dealing and living with chronic health conditions on a daily basis- & research about the conditions;
Alternative therapies & remedies, gardening, arts & crafts...
Before undertaking any recipes found on this blog please look to the note in 'Cookery' !

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Summer Spruce Up...

As you may have noticed Doe-full has been given a little bit of a makeover!!!

In Australia, we are at the start of summer and I felt like going with the season.

It is all artificial.... I have just updated the 'skin' of the blog.

Everything is still in the same place and works as it did before- so in terms of the user nothing has really changed = D

All feedback is welcome, as I’m not sure it’ll stay this way. I’ve wanted a change for a while, but it’s been on the back burner so I could focus on what’s more important: the actual blog content.

I am planning on updating (finally) the 'Cookery' and 'Well-being' sections, over the coming week/s.
I will also be including information about foods (GI levels; fructose levels; consumption guides) and how foods can affect the body, especially mine!!!


  1. I like it! Nice job xo

  2. Cheers

    The updating of other sections has taken a back seat again due to the nil computer access atm.
    But they will happen over the course of time.
